Electronic Information Industry Trends No. 34

本站 本站 2023-02-20 189




 The National Conference on Industry and Information Technology has identified 13 key tasks

 Dale plan2024Completely shut down Chinese chips and move 50% of its production capacity out of China

 2022Q4全球PCSharp drop in shipments28.1%

 Boe plans to build two new factories in Vietnam, with a total investment of4Hundreds of millions of dollars

 Shenzhen strives to build the first high-end electronic chemical industrial park


The National Conference on Industry and Information Technology has identified 13 key tasks111The National Conference on Industry and Information Technology was held in Beijing。会议以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻党的二十大精神,认真贯彻落实中央经济工作会议精神和党中央、国务院决策部署,总结2022Years of work, deployment2023Key tasks。

Conference emphasis2023We will do a good job in 13 key tasksFirst, we will vigorously promote the steady growth of the industrial economy。We will keep key industries stable and formulate work plans for steady growth in light of the characteristics of different industries。We will encourage major industrial provinces to take the initiative to take the lead, support the central and western regions in actively undertaking industrial transfer, and support the Northeast region in making new breakthroughs in revitalizing the manufacturing industry。We will stabilize major purchases such as automobiles and implement consumer goods三品Action to expand the supply of household products and daily necessities suitable for aging。We will strengthen monitoring and dispatching of economic operations and speed up constructionDigital communication平台。Second, we made solid progressFourteen fifthEffective implementation of the plan。Adhere to a blueprint to the end, improve the implementation mechanism of the plan, and ensure that a number of results。Strengthen overall coordination, supervision and implementation, give full play to the role of all departments, and jointly promote the implementation of the plan。We will support local governments in effectively connecting local plans with national plans in light of actual conditions, and actively undertake key tasksThird, we will improve the autonomy and controllability of key industrial chainsCentering on the key industrial chain of the manufacturing industry, identify key core technologies and componentsCatch sb. by the neckThe weak link,One chain, one policyWe will strengthen and stabilize chains, strengthen the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, and strengthen cooperation between large, small and medium-sized enterprises to tackle key problems, and promote the development of the entire industrial chain。We will advance key and core technology research projects and improve themReveal the list and take chargeLong-term mechanism to continuously enrich the industrial ecologyFourth, we will deepen the reconstruction of the industrial base。In key areas, we will lay out a number of industrial basic common technology centers, focus on developing a number of basic components and key materials urgently needed by the market, accelerate the industrial application of new components, accelerate the breakthrough of industrial software in key industries such as petrochemical, shipbuilding, and aviation, and promote the application of a number of advanced green basic manufacturing processes。Continue to implement the construction project of manufacturing innovation center, and become a key laboratory of the Ministry of Excellence and strengthFifth, we will accelerate research on major technologies and equipment。Accelerate the industrial development of large aircraft and promote the high-quality development of industrial mother-aircraft。We will continue to make efforts at both ends of R&D, manufacturing and promotion, and accelerate the development of high-end special equipment such as high-end medical equipment, agricultural machinery equipment, far-reaching Marine equipment, and natural disaster prevention and control technology equipmentSixth, we will accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing。We will improve the long-term market-based and law-based mechanism for reducing excess production capacity, and strictly implement the policy of replacing production capacity in steel, cement, and glass。We will optimize the distribution of major projects such as ethylene and coal chemicals, and increase industrial concentration in key industries such as steel。We will implement a special campaign to develop advanced manufacturing clusters and promote the construction of national demonstration bases for new industrialization industriesSeventh, we will foster and strengthen emerging industries。With market-oriented methods to promote the advantages of new energy vehicle enterprises stronger and bigger and supporting industry development。Improve the global competitiveness of the photovoltaic industry, and accelerate the innovation and development of artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, Internet of vehicles, green and low-carbon industries。Formulate action plans for future industrial development and implement themRobot+”Apply action, encourage support where conditions first tryEighth, we will accelerate the development of the information and communications industry。We will introduce policies and measures to promote the coordinated development of new information infrastructure construction, and speed up the process5GAnd gigabit optical network construction, startBroadband frontierConstruction has been advanced in an all-round way6GTechnology research and development。Ninth, we will promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises。We will improve the work system, fully implement the Law on Promoting Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, pay close attention to the implementation of policies and measures to help enterprises, and strengthen the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of small and medium-sized enterprises。We will improve the service system for small and medium-sized enterprises at the national, provincial, city and county levelsCo-benefit enterpriseService brands such as service month。We will improve the overseas service system for smes and promote the development of Sino-foreign cooperation zones for smes。Work up to2023By the end of the year, the national specialized and special new small and medium-sized enterprises exceeded8万家、The little GiantEnterprise excess1万家。The tenth is to optimize the system and layout of defense science, technology and industry, build advanced defense science, technology and industry, and consolidate an integrated national strategic system and capacityThe eleventh is to support affiliated universities and collegesDouble first-class建设。We will adhere to the fundamental task of fostering moral integrity, strengthen party building and ideological and political work, intensify the development of competitive disciplines, deepen the integration of science and education, production and education, and train top-notch innovative talentsTwelve is to enhance the capacity of industry governance。We will comprehensively deepen reform, coordinate industrial policies with fiscal, taxation, finance, trade, and investment policies, and promote law-based administration。We will deepen international exchanges and cooperation, advance the building of partnerships for the new Industrial Revolution under the framework of the Global Development Initiative, and run China wellAsean Emerging Industries Forum and other key activities。Thirteen is to make all-out efforts to ensure the production and supply of key medical supplies。Do everything possible to stabilize production and increase production, adhere to daily scheduling, to ensure continuous production and supply during the Spring Festival。Strengthen the connection between supply and demand, and coordinate and promote the precise delivery of medical supplies。

戴尔计划2024Completely shut down Chinese chips and move 50% of its production capacity out of ChinaAccording to the Nikkei Asian NewsDell, the world's third largest computer maker, is in2022At the end of last year, the company told suppliers that it planned to significantly reduce the number of Chinese-made chips used in its products, including those made by non-Chinese chipmakers in Chinese factories。到2024年,计划Stop using all chips made in China and replace them with all chips made outside China。Be expected in2025This year, Dell will move 50% of its production capacity out of China。Dell also requires electronic modules and printed circuit boards (PCBSuppliers of other components and product assemblers are starting to prepare to increase production capacity in countries other than China, such as Vietnam, with the goal of202550% of production capacity moved out of China。If suppliers do not have measures to respond to Dell's demands, they may end up losing orders。Hewlett-packard, the US computer brand, has also begun a survey of its suppliers to assess the feasibility of moving production and assembly lines out of China。

Reported that in response to Dell's goals, the entire laptop supply chain has been moved, the world's largest laptop power supplier, Groupower, originally in order to meet customer demand to build a factory in Thailand, will be this year6Monthly start。It is understood that including the power supply key component transformer production line, Qunpower will also consider whether to transfer some production capacity to Thailand。The two main manufacturers of Dell notebook computersCompal and Wistron are expanding production capacity in Vietnam and building new plants to meet Dell's needs。Wistron is based in Taiwan and VietnamPCProduction line, total capacity is expected in2025Years can account for40%

Computer makers such as Dell and HP make and source chips domestically and have not made changes to where they are manufacturedThis changeIt has something to do with US policy。Local time2022年107The U.S. Department of Commerce's Bureau of Industry and Security (BISThe issuance of a number of export control measures aimed at restricting China's access to advanced computing chips, the development and maintenance of supercomputers, and the manufacture of advanced semiconductors has sparked market concerns and nervousnessSmic last year11In its earnings call last month, it said some of its U.S. chip developer customers were hesitant to place orders after the policy was introduced。The escalating geopolitical situation between China and the United States has promptedPC品牌大厂开始寻找中国大陆外的替代生产基地。

另外,苹果近年来也在不断扩大中国大陆以外Capacity of...,积极布局东南亚代工厂,降低对中国代工的依赖。At present, the Indian factory is responsible for OEMiPhone 14Some models, but their actual assembly capacity accounts for onlyiPhoneOverall productive5%不到80%-85%iPhoneAll made in China。However, according toDIGITIMES ResearchAnalysts estimate that2027年,India will produce45%-50%iPhoneBy then, it will be equal to China's production capacityIt means that India will probably take what belongs to China35%Capacity of...。Apple also plans20238Production started in Vietnam before OctoberMacBookNotebook computers, making Vietnam a potential production base for both companies' main production lines。

2022Q4全球PCSharp drop in shipments28.1%111Today's news, data consulting agencyIDCreleased2022Q4Data, traditionPCGlobal shipments were lower than expected, only672010,000 units, down from a year earlier28.1%

In terms of manufacturers' quarterly shipments,2022Q4各大PC厂商Both down year on year其中联想(Year-on-year decrease of 28.5%)、惠普(Year-on-year decline29%)、戴尔(Year-on-year decline)37.2%、苹果(Year-on-year decline)2.1%、华硕(Year-on-year decline of 20.9%)。从2022Overall,2022PCOverall decline in shipments16.5%Of the top five, only Apple maintained growth,同比2.5%;HP in2022In the top fivePCShipments fell the most,Year-on-year decrease of 25.3%,联想(Year-on-year decrease of 16.9%)、戴尔(Year-on-year decrease of 16.1%)、华硕(Down 5 per cent year-on-year.7%)。

Boe plans to build two new factories in Vietnam with a total investment of $400 million。Reuters111Boe plans to build two factories in Vietnam with a total investment达到4Hundreds of millions of dollars。目前Jd.com is right hereNorthern Vietnam leased land for negotiations to expand its relatively small factory in southern VietnamThe plant mainly supplies South Korea's Samsung Electronics andLGElectronic supply TV screen。此次Boe plans to rent as much in northern Vietnam100Hectares of land, of which20The hectare will be used for a plant producing remote control systems at a cost of1.5Hundreds of millions of dollars。Boe will spend money2.5Billions of dollars in50Hectare of land to build factories, production more complexOLEDScreens instead of LCD monitors。The supplier will use the rest30Hectare of land。Reports say the construction projects will be in2025Year before completion。

According to BOE's official website,The company has a number of manufacturing bases in Beijing, Hefei, Chengdu, Chongqing, Fuzhou, Mianyang, Wuhan, Kunming, Suzhou, Ordos, Gu 'an and other places,Subsidiaries in the United States, Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Russia, Brazil, the United Arab Emirates, etc20The service system covers Europe, the United States, Asia, Africa and other major regions of the world。

Shenzhen strives to build the first high-end electronic chemical industrial park。17Held in Shenzhen on Sunday2023Shenzhou-shantou high-end electronic chemical Industrial Park promotion meeting, the meeting focused on the basic situation of Shenzhou-Shantou Automobile City high-end electronic chemical industrial Park, highlights and industrial planning。It is understood that the industrial park will focus on the construction of semiconductor key materials research and development, pilot test, amplification base, for the electronic information industry to provide basic raw material support and industrial chain supply chain security, construction“5+3”The industrial system has promoted the vigorous development of industries such as new energy vehicles, high-end chemicals, and electronic information in Shenzhen。

At present, Shenzhen is vigorously developing semiconductors and integrated circuits, new materials and so on“20+8”Industrial cluster。High-end electronic chemicals are the integrated circuit industryCatch sb. by the neckThe basic key link of the problem。Shenzhen has a relatively perfect industrial ecology and rich scientific and technological innovation resources, and has the foundation to accelerate the development of high-end electronic chemicals industry。To further enhance the resilience of industrial development,We will deepen the integration of science and technology with industries,Shenzhen actively relies on leading enterprises,Joint institutions of higher learning, research institutions and industrial chain in the middle and downstream enterprises,Form an innovation consortium,Focus on semiconductor and integrated circuits, new materials and other industry key core technologies, cutting-edge basic materials,We will jointly tackle key problems,Promote a number of high-end electronic chemical key materials to achieve breakthrough progress,Promote high-end electronic chemicals to achieve domestic breakthrough in Shenzhen as soon as possible,Leading and driving the high-quality development of integrated circuit industry,Realize the autonomous control of integrated circuit industry。

Shenzhou-shantou Automobile City high-end electronic chemical parkThe planned total land area is 174 hectares。The range of land use is divided into short-term land use and long-term land use。Among them, the recent land area of about 104 hectares, divided into start-up area, expansion area, long-term land area of 70 hectares。"The project focuses on the development of high-end electronic chemical projects that have not yet been mass-produced or have not yet been large-scale, belong to the small-batch pilot stage, and solve the problem of 'jam neck', and create a high-end electronic chemical park with green wisdom, safety norms and complete facilities.。According to the event organizers,Park through modern production management system and smart park construction,We will build a safe and stable industrial chain and optimize the industrial structure and spatial distribution,So as to promote the domestic semiconductor material industry core technology research,And form a number of backbone enterprises and innovation platforms,Build an influential semiconductor and integrated circuit industry cluster。