2015 International Rubber and Plastic exhibition Haier will throw 10 billion purchase order

本站 本站 2015-01-13 285

From May 20 to 23, 2015, the 29th China International Plastics and Rubber Industry Exhibition (hereinafter referred to as CHINAPLAS 2015), the first in Asia and the second largest in the world, will be held in the Guangzhou Pazhou China Import and Export Fair Exhibition hall。At that time, Haier module business resource network platform will join more than 100 first-class suppliers on the platform to participate in this event, and will throw out a large purchase order of 10 billion yuan of plastic products and raw material needs on the scene。

As an annual event in the industry, CHINAPLAS gathers first-class chemical and rubber machinery suppliers from many countries and regions around the world every year, and is the best platform for global new technology display, transnational procurement, and industry policy information exchange。To display the most advanced and high-tech module solutions for home appliances,Haier module business resources network is actively inviting the national platform suppliers to participate in CHINAPLAS 2015 International Rubber and Plastics Exhibition,And organize the exhibitors module suppliers from all over the first-class 150 supporting suppliers and OEM enterprises to meet and communicate on site,To meet the needs of users and other issues such as in-depth discussion and exchange。

In the era of the Internet of everything, as China's largest home appliance manufacturing enterprise (the world's authoritative market research agency Euromonitor International 2014 global large household appliances survey data show that Haier's large household appliances in 2014 brand retail sales accounted for 10 percent of the global market.2%,Rank first in the world,This is the sixth time that Haier's retail sales of large home appliances have ranked first in the world,It broke double digits for the first time),Haier announced at the end of 2012 to enter the network strategy development stage,2014年初,Haier further proposed the "three" strategic themes of "enterprise platform, user personalization and employee maker",By building an open platform,To realize the interaction between the first-class resource ecosystem and the whole value chain of users,Create maximum user value。

In order to accurately obtain and quickly meet user needs, Haier module supplier resource procurement platform has changed the traditional one-way sourcing mode of resources, built the industry's first module supplier resource parallel interaction ecosystem, and realized the zero-distance interaction between module suppliers and user needs。At present, Haier module business resource network platform has entered 3216 suppliers, has met 1879 interaction needs, online turnover reached 40 billion yuan, creating a value of 2.2 billion yuan for users。

On the fourth day of the exhibition (that is, the morning of May 23), Haier module business resources network will jointly hold the first "2015 Haier Supplier Summit" with the exhibition organizers, and will throw out a large order of 10 billion yuan of plastic products and raw materials procurement demand。Haier module business resources network platform responsible person said,Hope to pass this exhibition,More supplier resources with module design capabilities, module supply capabilities, high-quality assurance capabilities, and second - and third-level management capabilities can join Haier's open ecosystem,9 parks (Qingdao, Hefei, Chongqing, Foshan, Wuhan, Shenyang, Dalian, Zhengzhou, Guizhou),Together, we provide industry-leading solutions that meet user needs。